Addressing Our City's Challenges Together.


  • Education

    For the next four years, I am dedicated to working alongside our school system to guarantee that our schools are highly efficient, our educators are fairly compensated, and our students have a secure and supportive learning environment. Furthermore, I am committed to strengthening our partnerships with nonprofits that offer before and after-school programs, ensuring that they receive the necessary funding to continue serving our students and families. My unwavering focus is on creating walkable and bikeable connections between neighborhoods and schools, ensuring that students can travel safely and arrive ready to learn. To achieve this, I will prioritize the efforts of the Safe Routes to School Coordinator to develop safe walking and biking paths throughout our community. This initiative will significantly improve the safety and well-being of our students and families while fostering a healthier and more connected community.

  • Opportunity

    Limited bus routes have not adequately served our broader community, particularly those who rely on public transit for work, medical appointments, and access to grocery stores. As mayor, I will prioritize a comprehensive study of our current bus system to improve routes and stops, ensuring that they meet the needs of all residents. Additionally, I will address the shortage of bus drivers by advocating for more livable wages and enhanced benefits, creating a reliable and efficient public transit system that supports the mobility and livelihoods of our community members.

  • Community

    Harrisonburg is a vibrant community dedicated to addressing the complex challenge of affordable housing. This issue requires a collective effort from all of us. I will work closely with our housing coordinator, community stakeholders, and developers to identify and support housing developments that meet our community's needs. By establishing a housing trust fund and enhancing the business environment, we aim to attract more developers and increase the availability of affordable housing. Together, we can make Harrisonburg an even better place to live, ensuring that our growth supports residents' needs.

    Harrisonburg is home to a remarkably diverse population, with over 77 individual languages spoken in our community. While our public schools provide support through ESL programs, many residents lack access to translation and language services. As mayor, I am committed to addressing language barriers, particularly for city services, and fostering connections between our immigrant and refugee populations and the broader community. By ensuring that everyone feels safe and heard, we can build a more inclusive and accessible Harrisonburg for all residents.